Premieres Apr 9, 2020
Zac Pilossoph, Fear-Free Certified DVM and Founder and CEO, YouDoYou LLC. Dr. Zac Pilossoph, a Long Island, NY born, nationally recognized medical professional, a top graduate of Tufts University Veterinary School of Medicine with post-graduate focused training in Neurology/ Neurosurgery at two of the most prestigious programs in the country, and a young multidimensional serial entrepreneur, has rapidly and single-handedly crafted a new wave of global evolution and empowerment in more ways than one. In addition to developing and launching several novel platforms in the veterinary and mental health fields, he is now quickly establishing himself as a pioneer in the medical cannabis field, with the ultimate goal of delivering and applying evidence-based education to a rapidly expanding industry. As one of the only veterinary phytocannabinoid/endocannabinoid physiology experts in the world, Zac has found tremendous value in providing non-bias, harm reduction education to all those associated with the cannabis industry via large-scale CE presentations and individual/corporate business consultations. In addition, he has solidified strong domestic and international collaborations geared towards establishing globalized standardization protocols, prospective research and development, and large-scale use of cannabis biomass subsequent to active molecule extraction.